Xiaolong Yin



Background Information: 

Prof. Yin graduated with B.S. in Theoretical& Applied Mechanics from the Peking University and received Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Cornell University. After receiving his doctoral degree, he conducted postdoctoral research in the Chemical Engineering Department of the Princeton University. From 2009 to 2022, he was Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department of the Colorado School of Mines. From 2019 to 2022, he served as the Associate Department Head, helping in the management of departmental affairs. Prof. Yin is an active service member of many SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) committees. He participated in the drafting of the SPE Green Paper, Reservoir Technologies for the 21st Century, as a main author of the section on Molecular- and Pore-Scale Modeling. He joined Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo in 2023 as Professor.

Research Field:

Prof. Yin’s research focuses on porous media and suspensions. Porous media and suspensions are important complex fluids systems. They are both prevalent in nature and widely seen in biological, environmental and industrial engineering systems. At the smallest scales, fluid flow is affected by the internal structure of the fluid as well as the external confinements. The influence of the internal structure can be modeled via stress and relaxation, the focal points of rheology. The external confinements (mostly for flow in porous media) can be both geometrical (shapes of pores) and physiochemical (fluid-solid interaction). We use numerical simulations and experiments to characterize porous media, complex fluids, and fluid flow. The objective is to construct, based on accurate simulations / measurements, constitutive relations for complex fluids and their flows so that industrial processes having them can be understood, modeled, and optimized.

Educational Background:

2001-2006: PhD in Chemical Engineering, Cornell University

1999-2001: MS in Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University

1995-1999: BS in Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Peking University

Work Experience:

2023-Present: Professor, Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo

2015-2022: Associate Professor, Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

2009-2015: Assistant Professor, Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

2006-2008: Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical Engineering, Princeton University

Academic Part-time Jobs (Partial): 

2020-Present: Member of the SPE Book Committee

2019-Present: Member of the SPE Reservoir Advisory Committee

2017-Present: Associate Editor of Advanced Powder Technology

2015-2016: Associate Editor of Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering

2012-2017: Associate Editor of SPE Journal

Representative Works:

General Information

74 peer-reviewed articles; 45 conference papers, of which 37 are SPE conference papers with peer-approved abstracts.

Web of Knowledge: 


10 Representative Works (* refers to the corresponding author)

(From works that Prof. Yin was either the first author or the advisor/co-advisor/ corresponding author)

  • Huang, J.*, F. Xiao, C. Labra, J. Sun, and X. Yin*. 2021, DEM-LBM simulation of stress-dependent absolute and relative permeabilities in porous media. Chemical Engineering Science 239, 116633.

  • Tian, Y., X. Yu, J. Li, K. B. Neeves, X. Yin, and Y.-S. Wu*. 2019, Scaling law for slip flow of gases in nanoporous media from nanofluidics, rocks, and pore-scale simulations. Fuel 236, 1065-1077.

  • Huang, J., F. Xiao, H. Dong, and X. Yin*. 2019, Diffusion tortuosity in complex porous media from pore-scale numerical simulations. Computers and Fluids 183, 66-74.

  • Wu, J., X. Yin*, and H. Xiao*. 2018, Seeing permeability from images: fast prediction with convolutional neural networks. Science Bulletin 63, 1215-1222.

  • Zhang, R.*, X. Yin, P. H. Winterfeld, Y.-S. Wu. 2016, A fully coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical-chemical model for CO2 geological sequestration. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering 28, 280-204.

  • Xiao, F. and X. Yin*. 2016, Geometry models of porous media based on Voronoi tessellations and their porosity-permeability relations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72, 328-348.

  • Xu, W., J. T. Ok, F. Xiao, K. B. Neeves, and X. Yin*. 2014, Effect of pore geometry and interfacial tension on water-oil displacement efficiency in oil-wet microfluidic porous media analogs. Physics of Fluids 26, 093102.

  • Wu, M., F. Xiao, R. M. Johnson-Paben, S. T. Retterer, X. Yin, and K. B. Neeves*. 2012, Single- and  two-phase flow in microfluidic porous media analogs based on Voronoi tessellation. Lab on a Chip 12, 253-261. (Cover Article)

  • Yin, X. and S. Sundaresan*. 2009, Fluid-particle drag in low-Reynolds-number polydisperse gas-solid suspensions. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 55, 1352-1368.

  • Yin, X. and D. L. Koch*. 2007, Hindered settling velocity and microstructure in suspensions of solid spheres with moderate Reynolds numbers. Physics of Fluids 19, 093302.