Wenlong Gao

Associate Professor

NSFC Excellent Scientist


Background Information 

Wenlong Gao is currently an associate professor at the Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo. He was formerly a Postdoc researcher in Paderborn University (UPB), Germany with Prof. Thomas Zentgraf and is a member in the newly established institute for photonic quantum systems (PhoQS) in UPB.

Wenlong’s research focuses on topological electromagnetic materials, covering photonic metamaterials, electrical circuits and nanophotonic devices. Particularly, Wenlong focuses on their unique properties for robust unidirectional propagation, vortex beam generation, wave modulation and quantum information. As the (co)first author and corresponding author, his contributions have led to several high-impact journals such as Physical Review Letters (4), Nature Communications (2), Light Science & Applications (2), Laser & Photonics Review etc. 

Wenlong got his Ph.D. degree in Tianjin University with Prof. Fengzhou Fang. He was subsequently a Postdoc research fellow in the University of Birmingham with Prof. Shuang Zhang, during which he took a visiting researcher position in Australian National University with Prof. Yuri Kivshar.

Download complete CV here.

Research Field

Topological physics in artificial electromagnetic materials, including Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals.

Circuit simulations of complex quantum systems and graphs.

Light matter interactions in electromagnetic metasurfaces.  

Educational Background

2011-2016: Ph.D. (majoring in Instrument Science and Technology)Tianjin University, School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering

2007-2011: Bachelor (majoring in Instrument Science and Technology)Tianjin University, School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering

Work Experience

2019-2022: Postdoc, Paderborn University, Department of Physics

2017-2019: Postdoc, University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy

Academic Experience

2018-2019: Visiting Scholar, ANU, Nonlinear Physics Center

2013-2015: Visiting Scholar, University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy


Academic Part-time Jobs (Partial)

2022-now: Guest Editor, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering  

2022-now: Guest Editor, Frontiers in Materials  

2022-now: Guest Editor, Frontiers in Nanotechnology  

Representative Works

General Information

More than 34 SCI papers;

Google Scholar:


10 Representative Works (* refers to the corresponding author # refers to equal contributions)

  • Wang, W., Gao, W*. et al. Moiré fringe induced gauge field in photonics. Physical Review Letters (Editors’ Suggestion), 125, 203901. (2020) 

  • Cheng, H., Gao, W*. et al. Vortical Reflection and Spiralling Fermi Arcs with Weyl Metamaterials. Physical Review Letters (Editors’ Suggestion), 125(9), 093904. (2020). 

  • Gao, W., Yang, B. et al Experimental observation of photonic nodal line degeneracies in metacrystals. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-7. (2018).

  • Gao, W., Yang, B. et al. Photonic Weyl degeneracies in magnetized plasma. Nature communications, 7(1), 1-8. (2016)

  • Gao, W., Fang, F. Z. et al. Chiral surface waves supported by biaxial hyperbolic metamaterials. Light: Science & Applications, 4(9), e328. (2015)

  • Gao, W., Lawrence, M. et al. Topological photonic phase in chiral hyperbolic metamaterials. Physical review letters, 114(3), 037402. (2015)

  • Gao, W., Sain, B. et al. Spin-Orbit Interaction of Light Enabled by Negative Coupling in High-Quality-Factor Optical Metasurfaces, 17, 044022. (2022)

  • Gao, W*., & Wang, Y. T. Ideal Photonic Weyl Nodes Stabilized by Screw Rotation Symmetry in Space Group 19. Crystals, 10(7), 605. (2020) 

  • Lu, J#., Wirth., K#, Gao, W#. et al. Observing 0D subwavelength-localized modes at ~100 THz protected by weak topology. Sci. Adv. 7, eabl3903 (2021) 

  • Yang, Y#., Gao, W#. et al. Spontaneous emission and resonant scattering in transition from type I to type II photonic Weyl systems. Physical review letters, 123(3), 033901. (2019)