Kang Zhou

Associate Professor

NSFC Excellent Scientist


Background Information

Kang Zhou received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST), Nanjing, China. From 2019.07 to 2022.07, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Polytechnique Montreal, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. From 2022.10 to 2023.11, he was an Assistant Professor with the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Ningbo, China, where he has been promoted as an Associate Professor since 2023.11. Towards B5G/6G wireless communication and Radar sensing technology, his research interests involve microwave and mmWave multiband/multifunction filtering devices and antennas, terahertz integrated circuits and systems. He has authored/coauthored 50+ technical articles (including 17 IEEE Transactions) in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings with Google Scholar citation of 1300+ and H-index of 18. He also holds 1 US patent. He is an affiliate technical committee member of the IEEE MTT-S TC-4 (Microwave Passive Components and Transmission Line Structures). He received the 2023 Excellent Young Scientist Fund of NSFC. He is selected as the 2023 World's Top 2% Scientists released by Stanford University and Elsevier. 

Research Field

Focus on the research and development of RF/microwave/mmWave/terahertz devices and systems:

  • Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based microwave and mmWave multiband/multifunction filtering devices and antennas

  • Si/SiC/GaN-based mmWave and terahertz integrated circuits and systems

  • Radar sensing/imaging and wireless communication systems

Educational Background

2012.09-2019.01: Ph.D. (majoring in Electronic Science and Technology), Nanjing University of Science and Technology

2008.09-2012.06: B.Eng. (majoring in Electronic and Information Engineering), Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Work Experience

2023.11-Present: Associate Professor, Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo

2022.10-2023.11: Assistant Professor, Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo

2019.07-2022.07: Postdoctoral Fellow, Polytechnique Montreal, University of Montreal (Supervisor: Prof. Ke Wu)

Academic Part-time Jobs (Partial)

  • Sepcial Session Chair, IMWS-AMP2023/2024, IWS2024,  RFIT2024, APCAP2024

  • 2023-Present: Affiliate Technical Committee Member, IEEE MTT-S TC-4 Microwave Passive Components and Transmission Line Structures

  • 2021-Present: Senior Member, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)

  • Regular Reviewer for 40+ international journals (IEEE T-MTT, T-AP, T-IET-TST, TCAS-ITCAS-IIT-CPMTMWTL, AWPL, EDL, PTL, JMW, Science China, Nature Scientific Reports et al.)

Awards and Honors

2024: World's Top 2% Scientists - 2023 Single-year Impact

2023: NSFC Excellent Scientist

2023: Ningbo High-Level Young Talent Program

2020: Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of NJUST

Representative Works

General Information

He has published 50+ peer-reviewed technical papers, including more than 30 SCI papers, 1 invited journal paper, and 17 IEEE Transactions papers. He also holds 1 US patent. His research work has been cited 1300+ times with H-index of 18 (Source: Google Scholar).

Google Scholar:


Web of Sicence:


Selected Works (* refers to the corresponding author) 


  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide filtering crossover having a dual mode rectangular cavity coupled to eight single mode square cavities. US11509031B2, 2022. 


  • Zi-Qi Zhang, Liang Zhou, Cheng-Rui Zhang, Kang Zhou. A silicon-based D-band miniaturized diplexer using perturbed dual-mode junction-cavity. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024. (early access)

  • Junsen Wang, Chengye Jiang, Renlong Han, Qianqian Zhang, Hao Chang, Kang Zhou, Falin Liu. Input amplitude-based adaptive tuning neural networks for digital predistortion of Doherty power amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024. (early access)

  • Y. Hu, Y. Lu, K. Zhou, Q. You, J. Huang. Wideband hollow-waveguide dual-polarized antenna with reduced metal layers. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, 72(1): 1027–1032.

  • W. Lin, K. Zhou*, K. Wu*. Band-reconfigurable tunable bandpass filters based on mode-switching concept. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2023, 71(3): 1125–1135.

  • D. Ma, K. Zhou, H. Xie, T. Huang, W. Wu. Compact or wide-stopband SIW diplexers with high intrinsic isolations based on orthogonal dual modes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023, 70(1): 71–75.

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Substrate integrated waveguide multiband bandpass filters and multiplexers: current status and future outlook. IEEE Journal of Microwaves, 2023, 3(1): 466–483. (Invited Paper)

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Multichannel substrate integrated waveguide diplexers based on orthogonal dual modes and split-type multiband responses. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2022, 70(1): 356–366.

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Miniaturized diplexers with large frequency ratios based on common half-mode dual-mode SIW junction-cavities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021, 69(12): 5343–5350.

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Wide-stopband substrate-integrated waveguide filtering crossovers with flexibly allocated channel frequencies and bandwidths. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021, 69(7): 3264–3274.

  • H.-W. Xie, K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Compact SIW diplexers and dual-band bandpass filter with wide-stopband performances. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67(12): 2933–2937.

  • H.-W. Xie, K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Wide-stopband SIW filters using modified multi-spurious modes suppression technique. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67(12): 2883–2887.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, H.-W. Xie, W. Wu. Synthesis design of SIW multiband bandpass filters based on dual-mode resonances and split-type dual- and triple-band responses. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2019, 67(1): 151–161.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Dual-mode characteristics of half-mode SIW rectangular cavity and applications to dual-band filters with widely separated passbands. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018, 66(11): 4820–4829.

  • H.-W. Xie, K. Zhou*, C.-X. Zhou*, W. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide triple-band bandpass filters using triple-mode cavities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018, 66(6): 2967–2977.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Compact SIW diplexer with flexibly allocated bandwidths using common dual-mode cavities. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018, 28(4): 317–319.

  • K. Zhou, J.-Q. Ding, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. W-band dual-band quasi-elliptical waveguide filter with flexibly allocated frequency and bandwidth ratios. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018, 28(3): 206–208.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide dual-band filters with closely spaced passbands and flexibly allocated bandwidths. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 8(3): 465–472.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide dual-mode dual-band bandpass filters with widely controllable bandwidth ratios. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65(10): 3801–3812.

  • S.-Q. Han, K. Zhou*, J.-D. Zhang, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Novel substrate integrated waveguide filtering crossover using orthogonal degenerate modes. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2017, 27(9): 803–805.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Resonance characteristics of substrate-integrated rectangular cavity and their applications to dual-band and wide-stopband bandpass filters design. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65(5): 1511–1524.

  • J.-Q. Ding, S.-C. Shi, K. Zhou, Y. Zhao, D. Liu, W. Wu. WR-3 band quasi-elliptical waveguide filters using higher order mode resonances. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2017, 7(3): 302–309.