




周康,国家级青年人才、宁波市A类人才,宁波东方理工大学(暂名)副教授、研究员、博士生导师,上海交通大学和中国科学技术大学兼职博导。曾任加拿大蒙特利尔大学工学院博士后研究员,师从吴柯教授(加拿大两院院士、德国工程院外籍院士、IEEE Fellow)。获南京理工大学学士与博士学位,博士论文被评为南京理工大学优秀博士学位论文、江苏省优博提名。主要研究方向为面向B5G/6G无线通信与雷达感知技术的多频段/多功能微波毫米波器件与天线、太赫兹集成电路与系统。目前主持国家及省市级项目4项;获授权美国发明专利1项;发表学术论文50余篇,包括SCI期刊论文30余篇,IEEE JMW特邀综述论文1篇,IEEE T-MTT等Trans.系列论文17篇。Google Scholar引用1300余次,单篇最高被引150余次,H-index = 18。担任IEEE微波理论与技术协会MTT-S TC-4技术委员会委员。入选斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家2023年度科学影响力榜单。



  • 基于基片集成波导(SIW)技术的多频段及多功能微波毫米波滤波器件与天线

  • 基于Si/SiC/GaN等半导体技术的毫米波与太赫兹集成电路与系统

  • 雷达感知与无线通信系统







2019.07-2022.07:加拿大蒙特利尔大学,博士后(导师:吴柯 院士)


  • Sepcial Session Chair, IMWS-AMP2023/2024、IWS2024、RFIT2024、APCAP2024

  • 2023-至今:技术委员会委员,IEEE MTT-S TC-4 Microwave Passive Components and Transmission Line Structures

  • 2021-至今:高级会员,国际无线电科学联盟(URSI Senior Member)

  • 常任审稿人,40余个国际期刊及会议(IEEE T-MTT、T-AP、T-IE、T-TST、TCAS-I、TCAS-II、T-CPMT、MWTL、AWPL、EDL、PTL、JMW、Science China、Nature Scientific Reports等)








获授权美国发明专利1项;发表学术论文50余篇,包括SCI期刊论文30余篇,IEEE Journal of Microwaves特邀综述论文1篇,IEEE Trans.系列论文17篇。Google Scholar引用1300余次,H-index = 18。


Google Scholar:


Web of Sicence:




  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide filtering crossover having a dual mode rectangular cavity coupled to eight single mode square cavities. US11509031B2, 2022.


  • Zi-Qi Zhang, Liang Zhou, Cheng-Rui Zhang, Kang Zhou. A silicon-based D-band miniaturized diplexer using perturbed dual-mode junction-cavity. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024. (early access)

  • Junsen Wang, Chengye Jiang, Renlong Han, Qianqian Zhang, Hao Chang, Kang Zhou, Falin Liu. Input amplitude-based adaptive tuning neural networks for digital predistortion of Doherty power amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024. (early access)

  • Y. Hu, Y. Lu, K. Zhou, Q. You, J. Huang. Wideband hollow-waveguide dual-polarized antenna with reduced metal layers. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, 72(1): 1027–1032.

  • W. Lin, K. Zhou*, K. Wu*. Band-reconfigurable tunable bandpass filters based on mode-switching concept. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2023, 71(3): 1125–1135.

  • D. Ma, K. Zhou, H. Xie, T. Huang, W. Wu. Compact or wide-stopband SIW diplexers with high intrinsic isolations based on orthogonal dual modes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023, 70(1): 71–75.

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Substrate integrated waveguide multiband bandpass filters and multiplexers: current status and future outlook. IEEE Journal of Microwaves, 2023, 3(1): 466–483. (Invited Paper)

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu.  Multichannel substrate integrated waveguide diplexers based on orthogonal dual modes and split-type multiband responses. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2022, 70(1): 356–366.

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Miniaturized diplexers with large frequency ratios based on common half-mode dual-mode SIW junction-cavities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021, 69(12): 5343–5350.

  • K. Zhou, K. Wu. Wide-stopband substrate-integrated waveguide filtering crossovers with flexibly allocated channel frequencies and bandwidths. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021, 69(7): 3264–3274.

  • H.-W. Xie, K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Compact SIW diplexers and dual-band bandpass filter with wide-stopband performances. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67(12): 2933–2937.

  • H.-W. Xie, K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Wide-stopband SIW filters using modified multi-spurious modes suppression technique. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020, 67(12): 2883–2887.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, H.-W. Xie, W. Wu. Synthesis design of SIW multiband bandpass filters based on dual-mode resonances and split-type dual- and triple-band responses. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2019, 67(1): 151–161.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Dual-mode characteristics of half-mode SIW rectangular cavity and applications to dual-band filters with widely separated passbands. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018, 66(11): 4820–4829.

  • H.-W. Xie, K. Zhou*, C.-X. Zhou*, W. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide triple-band bandpass filters using triple-mode cavities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018, 66(6): 2967–2977.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Compact SIW diplexer with flexibly allocated bandwidths using common dual-mode cavities. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018, 28(4): 317–319.

  • K. Zhou, J.-Q. Ding, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. W-band dual-band quasi-elliptical waveguide filter with flexibly allocated frequency and bandwidth ratios. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018, 28(3): 206–208.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide dual-band filters with closely spaced passbands and flexibly allocated bandwidths. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 8(3): 465–472.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Substrate-integrated waveguide dual-mode dual-band bandpass filters with widely controllable bandwidth ratios. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65(10): 3801–3812.

  • S.-Q. Han, K. Zhou*, J.-D. Zhang, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Novel substrate integrated waveguide filtering crossover using orthogonal degenerate modes. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2017, 27(9): 803–805.

  • K. Zhou, C.-X. Zhou, W. Wu. Resonance characteristics of substrate-integrated rectangular cavity and their applications to dual-band and wide-stopband bandpass filters design. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65(5): 1511–1524.

  • J.-Q. Ding, S.-C. Shi, K. Zhou, Y. Zhao, D. Liu, W. Wu. WR-3 band quasi-elliptical waveguide filters using higher order mode resonances. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2017, 7(3): 302–309.