Hanbo Jiang

Assistant Professor


Background Information

Hanbo Jiang joined Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo as an assistant professor in September 2022. He has earned his undergraduate degree (2014) for Aerospace Engineering and master’s degree (2017) for Dynamical Systems and Control from Peking University, PhD degree (2021) for Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He was a postdoc at the Aerodynamics Acoustics & Noise control Technology Centre and HKUST before joining EIT. 

Research Field

Dr. Jiang specializes in aero- and hydrodynamic flow induced noise with a focus on numerical simulation of propellers at low-tip-Mach number conditions. In this sense, he works on an artificial compressibility method which is a very powerful technique for flow and noise simulation at nearly incompressible limit. In addition, he is also interested in high performance heterogeneous computing and develops his own codes for aircraft and drone noise.

Educational Background

2017-2021, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, HKUST

2014-2017, MEng in Dynamical Systems and Control, Peking University

2010-2014, BEng in Aerospace Engineering, Peking University

Work Experience

2022-2022: Development Consultant, TenFong

2021-2022: Research Associate, HKUST

Academic Experience: (Optional)

Academic Part-time Jobs

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, AIAA Journal, Journal of Sound and Vibration, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Ocean Engineering,Applied Acoustics, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

Awards and Honors

2021-2022 Hong Kong Research Talent Hub 

Representative Works

Published more than 20 SCI papers

Google Scholar




10 Representative Works (* refers to the corresponding author)

  • W. Chen, H. Jiang*, and X. Huang. “Dynamic analysis of aeroacoustic hysteresis of a low-Reynolds-number airfoil”. Physical Review Fluids, 7(9), 094401, 2022.

  • H. Jiang, H. Wu, W. Chen, P. Zhou, X. Zhang*, G. Zhou, and B. Chen, “Towards high-efficiency low-noise propellers: A numerical and experimental study”, Physics of Fluids, 34(7), 076116, 2022

  • W. Chen, H. Jiang*, and W. He, “Dipole source-based virtual three-dimensional imaging for propeller noise”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 107562, 2022.

  • T. Zhou, H. Jiang*, and B. Huang. “Quad-copter noise measurements under realistic flight conditions”. Aerospace Science and Technology, 124, 107542, 2022.

  • W. Chen, H. Jiang*, and X. Huang, “Super-resolution acoustic imaging”, Applied Physics Letters, 120(11), 112201, 2022.

  • H. Jiang, and X. Zhang*, “An acoustic-wave preserved artificial compressibility method for low-Mach number aeroacoustic simulations”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 116505, 2021.

  • H. Jiang, S. Zhong, H. Wu, X. Zhang*, X. Huang, G. Zhou, and B. Chen, “Radiation modes of propeller tonal noise”, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 144(2), 021009, 2021.

  • H. Jiang, and X. Huang*, “Tonal fan-noise radiation from aero-engine bypass with serrated end treatments”, Journal of Turbomachinery, 141(10), 2019.

  • H. Jiang, X. Zhang*, and X. Huang, “Reduced-basis boundary element method for efficient broadband acoustic simulation”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 456, 374-385, 2019.

  • H. Jiang, A. Lau, and X. Huang*, “Sound wave scattering in a flow duct with azimuthally non-uniform liners”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 839, 644, 2018.