黄富铿博士,现任宁波东方理工大学助理教授、副研究员。 黄富铿本科毕业于中山大学数学学院,博士毕业于美国普渡大学,专业为计算数学。在入职宁波东方理工之前,任新加坡国立大学博士后研究员。黄富铿博士的主要研究包括:对来源于流体力学和材料科学中重要的方程构造高阶无条件稳定的数值格式并作出严格的误差分析、利用相场模型对实际物理问题进行高精度模拟、不规则区域的特征值问题计算等,已在SINUM,SISC,CMAME,JCP, PRF, POF等计算和应用数学权威期刊发表文章10多篇。
主要研究包括:1、对来源于流体力学和材料科学中重要的方程构造高阶无条件稳定的数值格式并作出严格的误差分析,特别是针对Navier-Stokes 方程构造高阶解耦格式并作出分析; 2. 利用相场模型对实际物理问题进行高精度模拟; 3. 不规则区域的特征值问题计算。
2016.8-2021.5: 博士, 普渡大学, 数学系
2012.8-2016.6:学士,中山大学, 数学学院
2021.7-2024. 12:新加坡国立大学 数学系,博士后研究员
Google Scholar:
1. F. Huang and J. Shen, On a new class of BDF and IMEX schemes for parabolic type equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 62 (2024), 1609‑1637.
2. F. Huang and J. Shen, A class of IMEX schemes and their error analysis for the Navier‑Stokes Cahn‑Hilliard system, Ann. Math. Sci. Appl., Vol. 9 (2024), 185‑235.
3. F. Huang and J. Shen, Stability and error analysis of a second order consistent splitting scheme for the Navier‑Stokes equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 61 (2023), 2408‑2433.
4. F. Huang, W. Bao and T. Qian, Phase‑field simulations for dripping‑to‑jetting transitions: Effects of low interfacial tension and bulk diffusion, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 35 (2023), article 074105.
5. F. Huang, W. Bao and T. Qian, Diffuse‑interface approach to competition between viscous flow and diffusion in pinch‑off dynamics, Phys. Rev. Fluids, Vol. 7 (2022), article 094004.
6. F. Huang, J. Shen and K. Wu, Bound/positivity preserving and unconditionally stable schemes for a class of fourth order nonlinear equations, J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 460 (2022), article 111177.
7. F. Huang and J. Shen, A new class of implicitexplicit BDFk SAV schemes for general dissipative systems and their error analysis, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., Vol. 392 (2022), article 114718.
8. F. Huang and J. Shen, Stability and error analysis of a class of highorder IMEX schemes for Navier Stokes equations with periodic boundary conditions, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 59 (2021), 2926 2954.
9. F. Huang and J. Shen, Bound/positivity preserving and energy stable SAV schemes for dissipative systems: Applications to KellerSegel and PoissonNernstPlanck equations, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 43 (2021), A1832A1857.
10. F. Huang, J. Shen and Z. Yang, A highly efficient and accurate new SAV approach for gradient flow, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 42 (2020), A2514A2536.