



韩兵,宁波东方理工大学(暂名)助理教授、博士生导师。2021年在北京大学工学院获得博士学位、2021-2024年在University of California, San Diego和美国阿贡国家实验室从事博士后研究。担任Materials、Molecules期刊的客座主编及Nano Research Energy期刊青年编委。长期致力于利用多维度冷冻电镜技术研究能源器件界面的物理新机制并实现器件调控和优化的研究。通过对电子束剂量的精准调控,开创性地实现了锂电池界面层的原子级成像、电子能量损失谱分布及三维结构演化。同时揭示了一系列锂/钠电池体系的全新失效机理。以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)发表论文28篇,包括1篇Nature,1篇Science,8篇Advanced Materials,3篇Nature Communication、Energy & Environmental Science、Journal of the American Chemical Society等期刊。H因子32,他引3500余次。荣获2023年度“中国教育部科学技术二等奖” 、2015年度“全国挑战杯特等奖”、2015年度“中国光学学会王大珩光学奖”及2014年度“全国物理教学研讨会第一名”。长期担任Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Communication、Sci. Adv.、Joule、Adv. Mater.等期刊独立审稿人。




2018/9/1 – 2021/7/1:博士(主修材料力学),北京大学工学院

2014/9/1 – 2017/7/1:研究生(主修材料物理与化学),华南师范大学

2010/9/1 – 2014/7/1:学士(主修材料物理),华南师范大学








2022年-至今,Nano research Energy 青年编委

2022年-至今,Materials 期刊客座主编



中国教育部科学技术二等奖 ,2023年6月 (韩兵是第三完成人,学生排序第一)


2015年王大珩光学奖(个人奖),(“Wang Daheng Optical Award”, Outstanding winner)





迄今,申请人共发表SCI论文70余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在Nature(1)、Science(1)、Nature Communication(3)、Advanced Materials(8)、Energy & Environmental Science、Journal of the American Chemical Society等期刊发表论文29篇。论文总被引3500余次,H因子为32;ESI高被引论文5篇;

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Journal Publications (Han B. is Bing Han)

2024, 2023

1. Li, S., Xiao, Y., Su, R., Xu, W., Luo, D. *, …Han, B. * (corresponding author), ... & Zhu, R. * (2024). Coherent growth of high-Miller-index facets enhances perovskite solar cells. Nature, 1-3.

2. Hong, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Han, B. * (corresponding author), Li, Q., Guo, X., ... & Zhi, C. * (2024). Hydrogen‐Bonded Ionic Co‐Crystals for Fast Solid‐State Zinc Ion Storage. Advanced Materials, 36(47), 2407150.

3. You S.#,…Han B.# (co-first author), … & Li, X. (2023). Radical polymeric p-doping and grain modulation for stable, efficient perovskite solar modules. Science, 379(6629), 288-294.

4. Xiu, J. #, Han, B. #(co-first author),... & He, Z. (2023). A Sustainable Approach Using Nanocrystals Functionalized Green Alkanes as Efficient Antisolvents to Fabricate High‐Quality Perovskite Films. Advanced Energy Materials, 2300566.

5. Shu, L. #, Han, B. #(co-first author), ... & Fan, Z. (2023). Highly Efficient Blue Light‐Emitting Diodes Based on Perovskite Film with Vertically Graded Bandgap and Organic Grain Boundary Passivation Shells. Advanced Functional Materials, 33(46), 2306570.

6. Cheng, D., …., Han, B., & Meng, Y. S. (2023). A free-standing lithium phosphorus oxynitride thin film electrolyte promotes uniformly dense lithium metal deposition with no external pressure. Nature Nanotechnology, 1-8.

7. Liang, G., Tang, Z., Han, B. * (corresponding author), Zhu, J., Chen, A., Li, Q., ... & Zhi, C. (2023). Regulating Inorganic and Organic Components to Build Amorphous‐ZnFx Enriched Solid‐electrolyte Interphase for Highly Reversible Zn Metal Chemistry. Advanced Materials, 2210051.

8. Biao, J., Han, B. (co-first author), Cao, Y., Li, Q., Zhong, G., Ma, J., ... & He, Y. B. (2023). Inhibiting Formation and Reduction of Li2CO3 to LiCx at Grain Boundaries in Garnet Electrolytes to Prevent Li Penetration. Advanced Materials, 2208951.


9. Han B, X Li, Y Deng. Cryo-Electron Tomography of Highly Deformable and Adherent Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Exoskeleton in Li-Metal Batteries with Ether-based Electrolyte, Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), (2022) e2108252.

10. Ke, R., Du, L., Han, B. * (co-first author and corresponding author), Xu, H., Meng, H., Zeng, H., ... & Deng, Y. (2022). Biobased Self-Growing Approach toward Tailored, Integrated High-Performance Flexible Lithium-Ion Battery. Nano Letters, 22(23), 9327-9334.

11. Zhang P.#, Han B.#* (co-first author and corresponding author), Francisco J.*, Gu, M.* (2022). Revealing the Intrinsic Atomic Structure and Chemistry of Amorphous LiO2-Containing Products in Li–O2 Batteries Using Cryogenic Electron Microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 5, 2129–2136.

12. Li S., Wang X., Han B. (co-first author), et al. Ultrathin and High‐Modulus LiBO2 Layer Highly Elevates the Interfacial Dynamics and Stability of Lithium Anode under Wide Temperature Range[J]. Small, 2021: 2106427.


13. Han B, Li X, Bai S, et al. Conformal Three-Dimensional Interphase of Li Metal Anode Revealed by Low Dose Cryo-Electron Microscopy[J]. Matter, 2021, Accepted.

14. Han B, Zou Y, Xu G, et al. Additive stabilization of SEI on graphite observed using cryo-electron microscopy[J]. Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, 14(9): 4882-4889.

15. Han, B., Zou, Y., Zhang, Z. et al. (2021). Probing the Na metal solid electrolyte interphase via cryo-transmission electron microscopy. Nature Communication, 12, 3066.

16. Han, B., Zhang, Z., Zou, Y., Xu, K., Xu, G., Wang, H., ... & Gu, M. (2021). Poor Stability of Li2CO3 in the Solid Electrolyte Interphase of a Lithium-Metal Anode Revealed by Cryo-Electron Microscopy. Advanced Materials, 2100404.

17. Han, B., Zou, Y., Ke, R., Li, T., ... & Meng, H. (2021). Stable Lithium Metal Anodes with a GaOx Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Damp Air. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 18, 21467–21473

18. Zhang Q, Han B* (co-first author and corresponding author), Zou Y, et al. Enabling Atomic‐Scale Imaging of Sensitive Potassium Metal and Related Solid Electrolyte Interphases Using Ultralow‐Dose Cryo‐TEM[J]. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(43): 2102666.

19. Li X, Han B* (co-first author and corresponding author), Yang X, et al. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Lithium Metal Anode via Low-Dose Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Tomography[J]. iScience, 2021: 103418.

20. Chen, W., Han, B. (co-first author), Hu, Q., Gu, M., Zhu, Y., ... & Russell, T. (2021). Interfacial stabilization for inverted perovskite solar cells with long-term stability, Science Bulletin, 66, 991–10.

21. Liu F, Qin X, Han B*(corresponding author), et al. Enhanced Light Emission Performance of Mixed Cation Perovskite Films—The Effect of Solution Stoichiometry on Crystallization[J]. Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9(21): 2100393.


22. Han, B., Xu, D., Chi, S. S., He, D., Zhang, Z., Du, L. & Deng, Y. (2020). 500 Wh kg− 1 Class Li Metal Battery Enabled by a Self‐Organized Core–Shell Composite Anode. Advanced Materials, 32(42), 2004793.

23. Han, B., Feng, D., Li, S., Zhang, Z., Zou, Y., Gu, M., ... & Deng, Y. (2020). Self-regulated phenomenon of inorganic artificial solid electrolyte interphase for lithium metal batteries. Nano letters, 20(5), 4029-4037.

24. Xiao, Y., Han, B.(co-first author), Zeng, Y., Chi, S. S., Zeng, X., Zheng, Z., ... & Deng, Y. (2020). New lithium salt forms interphases suppressing both Li dendrite and polysulfide shuttling. Advanced Energy Materials, 10(14), 1903937.


25. Han, B., Yang, Y., Shi, X., Zhang, G., Gong, L., Xu, D., Deng, Y. (2018). Spontaneous repairing liquid metal/Si nanocomposite as a smart conductive-additive-free anode for lithium-ion battery. Nano energy, 50, 359-366.

26. Xian Z.; Han B. (co-first author); Kempa K.*, Gao J.* A Practical ITO Replacement Strategy: Sputtering-Free Processing of a Metallic Nanonetwork. Advanced Materials Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/admt. 201700061.

27. Han, B., Peng Q., Li R., Rong Q., Kempa K.* Gao J.*, Optimization of hierarchical structure andnanoscale-enabled plasmonic refraction for windowelectrodes in photovoltaics. Nature Communications 2016 03:01:14,10.1038/ncomms12825.

28. Gao J.*, Kempa K.*, Giersig M.*, Akinoglu E., Han B., Li R., Physics of Transparent Conductors. Advanced in Physics 2016,6, 553–617. 

29. Han, B., Huang Y.; Li R.; Peng Q.; Luo J.; Pei K.; Herczynski A.; Kempa K.; Ren Z., Gao J., Bio-inspired Networks for Optoelectronic Applications. Nature Communications 2014, 5: 5674, 10.1038/ncomm6674. (News: Science daily, Phys.org, Eurek.org, Asiaeu.com, Newsgb.com, Topix.com, Lockerdome.com etc.)

30.Han, B., Pei, K., Huang, Y., Zhang, X., Rong, Q., Lin, Q., Guo, Y., Sun, T., Guo, C., Carnahan, D., Kempa, K.*, Uniform Self‐Forming Metallic Network as a High‐Performance Transparent Conductive Electrode. Advanced Materials 2013, 26, 873-877.