




1985年和1988年先后获得华东理工大学化学工程工学学士、硕士学位。1990年作为访问交换学生到麻省理工学院化工系访问研究一年。1995年毕业于美国Tufts大学获得博士学位(化学工程),1995-1999年先后在美国Iowa大学和Oak Ridge国家重点实验室从事博士后研究。1999年起,先后在美国阿克伦(Akron)大学和明尼苏达(Minnesota)大学任教(化工和生物化工)。2009年起任明尼苏达大学双聘终身教授。 先后获美国自然科学基金-青年教授成就奖(2004),Akron大学杰出研究奖(2006),美国医学和生物工程学院会士 (AIMBE)、美国化学工程协会(AIChE)生物技术成就奖(2018),2007、2011年入选国家级人才。先后担任《Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology》期刊副主编和《Biotechnology Bioengineering》、《Biofuels》等多个学术期刊编委。

Dr. Ping Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Tufts University. He conducted postdoctoral research around biocatalysis and bioprocessing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory before starting his academic career.  He worked as a professor with a joint position in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering and the Biotechnology Institute at University of Minnesota before he joined Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo. His research encompasses the interdisciplinary areas of biosynthesis and biocatalysis, chemical and biomedical engineering, bionanotechnology and biodegradation.  He received the Young Faculty CAREER award from National Science Foundation of USA, AIChE Biotech Division Award and a Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). He was honored as a guest professor at Institute of Process Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences, East China University of Sci. and Tech., and Nanjing Tech University.  He has published over 160 scientific papers about biocatalysis and bionanotechnologuy in high impacting journals including Nature Biotechnology, Adv. Funct. Matr. and J. Am. Chem. Soc. His recent research explores synthetic biocatalysis that can realize biotransformations under extreme conditions with high conversion efficiency. 


三十多年的工作集中于生物化工技术在绿色化工、生物质材料、食品和健康等领域的应用,尤其是拓展极端条件下高性能生物催化剂与生物合成。近期主要学术成就侧重于活性蛋白分子的理性设计和构建、微观环境的改造以实现高活性和极端稳定的生物制剂。其所开展的纳米生物催化与材料技术研究引领了生物技术新发展的一个备受关注的新领域。已发表160余篇SCI学术论文,包括以第一作者和通信作者身份发表在Nature Biotechnology (IF: 54.9) 、Adv Func Matr (IF: 18.8) 和JACS(IF: 16)等有重要影响的刊物的文章,单篇文章最高引用率超过1,000。其基于酶的功能材料方面的工作多次被《Science》、《C&EN》和《New Scientist》等媒体亮点报道。先后60多次次被国际知名大学、科研机构和学术会议邀请做主题报告。同时积极参与技术产业化发展,先后被聘为Guidant Corporation, Beckman Coulter,丰田汽车北美技术究中心以及中国万华化学集团的技术和科学顾问。获得中、外专利十余项,发表专著三本。











2005.9-2006.7,美国Akron大学化工系副教授 (Associate Professor)

1999.8-2005.8,美国Akron大学化工系助理教授 (Assistant Professor)

1997.5-1999.7,美国Oak Ridge国家实验室生物过程/生物催化中心,助理研究员





2004年-至今,任《AppliedBiochemistry and Biotechnology》编委

2003年-至今,任《Biotechnology and Bioengineering》编委




2000年,美国化学学会和化学工程学年会分会主持(Session Chair)

2000年,美国农业部和美国化学学会项目评审人,并任多个期刊的审稿人:《Journal of the American Chemical Society》,《Biomacromolecules, Biomaterials》,《Polymer Engineering and Science》,《Biotechnology Progress》,《Chemistry – A European Journal》,《Trends in Biotechnology》,《Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology》等。


Division Plenary Award, Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), 2018.

Outstanding Research Award(杰出科研贡献奖), College of Engineering, The University of Akron (2006)

National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2004)(美国杰出青年基金)

Adjunct Professor, College of Biochemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing, China (2015)

Adjunct Professor, Institute of Process Engineering, National Key Lab of Biochemical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Since 2004)

Adjunct Professor, 美国明尼苏达大学生物化学工程和生物产品系,生物技术研究院教授(Since 2023.6)



已发表160余篇SCI学术论文,包括以第一作者和通信作者身份发表在Nature Biotechnology (IF: 54.9) 、Adv Func Matr (IF: 18.8) 和JACS(IF: 16)等有重要影响的刊物的文章,总引用率近1万次,单篇文章最高引用率超过1,000。获得中、外专利十余项,发表专著三本。


1. C. Xu, B. Frigo-Vaz, J. Goering, P. Wang*, Gas‐phase degradation of VOCs using supported bacteria biofilms. Biotech. Bioeng., 120: 1323-1333, 2023.

2. H. Dong, W. Zhang, S. Zhou, H. Ying*, Ping Wang*. Rational Design of Artificial Biofilms as Sustainable Supports for Whole-Cell Catalysis Through Integrating Extra- and Intracellular Catalysis. Chem. Sus. Chem. 2022, 15: e202200850 

3. Chen, C; Tang, W; Jiang, DW; Yang, GL;    Wang, XL; Zhou, LN;    Zhang, WA;    Wang, P.* Hyaluronic acid conjugated polydopamine functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for synergistic targeted chemo-photothermal therapy. Nanoscale 2019, 11: 11012-11024. 

4. G. Dai, J. Hu, X. Zhao, Ping Wang*.  A colorimetric paper sensor for lactate assay using a cellulose-Binding recombinant enzyme. Sensors and Acuators B 2017, 238: 138-144. 

5. Nanobiocatalysis and its potential applications. Trends in Biotechnol. 2009, 26(1): 639-646. 

6. Surface Packing Characterization of Langmuir Monolayer-Anchored Enzyme. Langmuir 2009, 25(18): 10660-10665.   

7. J. Kim*, J. Grate, P. Wang*.  Nanoscale biocatalyst systems. Current Opinion in Biotechnol. 2006, 17: 574-579.  

8. J. Kim, J. W. Gate, Ping Wang.* Nanostructures for enzyme stabilization. Chem. Eng. Sic. 2006, 61: 1017-1026. 

9. H. Jia, G. Y. Zhu, B. Vugrinovich, W. Kataphinan, D. H. Reneker, Ping Wang*.  Enzyme-Carrying Polymeric Nanofibers Prepared via Electrospinning for Use as Unique Biocatalysts. Biotechnol. Prog. 2002, 18: 1027-1032. 

10. Ping Wang, M. S. Sergueeva, L. Lim, J. S. Dordick. Biocatalytic plastics as active and stable materials for biotransformations. Nature Biotech. 1997, 15: 789-793.