Hao Zhang

Assistant Professor


Background Information: 

Karl Zhanghao is an Associate Professor at the Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo. He received his Bachelor's degree in Microelectronics from Peking University in 2012 and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Peking University and the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2017. He has previously served as Boya Postdoc at Peking University, Research Assistant Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology, and as a Senior Engineer at BGI Life Sciences Research Institute. His research focuses on digital cell imaging, aiming to construct cellular maps of the brain or pathological tissues through technology breakthroughs in high-throughput, high-content, high/super-resolution imaging and deep learning image processing, as well as the industrial automation of existing multi-omics detection technologies. In recent years, he has published 12 papers as first author or corresponding author in journals or conferences such as Nat Comm (x2), Light Sci Appl (x2), Appl Phys Lett, Optics Lett, etc. He has led 5 research projects including national-level funds and has been awarded the Overseas High-level Talent by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, the Croucher Foundation Travel Scholarship by the University of Hong Kong, and the Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship, among other honors.

Research Field:

spatial multi-omic imaging

deep learning cell/organelle segmentation and image super-resolution

light-sheet fluorescent microscopy 

structured illumination super-resolution microscopy

fluorescence polarization imaging

Educational Background:

2012.09 - 2017.07:PhD.(majoring in biomedical engineering),Peking University,department of biomedical engineering 

2013.01 - 2017.08:PhD.(majoring in biomedical engineering),Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory University,department of biomedical engineering

2007.09 - 2012.07:Bachelor(majoring in microelectronics),Peking University,Yuanpei college

Work Experience: 

2022.07-2024.04: BGI Research Shenzhen,senior engineer

2019.09-2022.07: Southern University of Science and Technology, research assistant professor at the 2017.06 - 2019.09:Peking University,Boya postdoctoral fellow

Awards and Honors:

2020.01:Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel

2019.08:the Croucher Foundation travel grant

2017.07:Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship

Representative Works:

General Information

More than 18 SCI papers

Works Information and Citation Data

Google Scholar:


Web of Knowledge:




Representative Works (* refers to the corresponding author)

1. F. Zhou, Y.H. Liu, Z. Chen, K. Zhanghao*, D.Y. Jin*. Fourier Channel Attention Powered Lightweight Network for Image Segmentation. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 11:252-260(2023)

2. L. Qiao#, H.J. Li#, S.Y. Zhong#, X.Z. Xu, F. Su, P. Xi, D.Y. Jin*, K. Zhanghao*. Laterally swept light-sheet microscopy enhanced by pixel reassignment for photon-efficient volumetric imaging. Advanced Photonics Nexus 2, (2022).

3. M.L. Guan#, M.Y. Wang#, K Zhanghao#, X. Zhang, M.Q. Li, W.H. Liu, J. Niu, X.S. Yang, L. Chen, Z.L. Jing, M.Q. Zhang, D.Y. Jin, P. Xi, J.T. Gao†. Polarization Modulation with Optical Lock-in Detection Reveals Universal Fluorescence Anisotropy of Subcellular Structures in Live Cells. Light: Science & Applications 2022, 11(1).

4. H.J. Li, Z.H. Wu, Z.C. Yang, K. Zhanghao*, P. Xi, D.Y. Jin. Axially Overlapped Multi-Focus Light Sheet with Enlarged Field of View. Applied Physics Letters, 118, 223701 (2021).

5. K. Zhanghao#, *, W.H. Liu#, M.Q. Li#, Z.H. Wu, X.S. Wang, X.Y. Chen, C.Y. Shan, H.Q. Wang, X.W. Chen, Q.H. Dai, D.Y. Jin*, P. Xi*. High-dimensional Super-Resolution Imaging Reveals Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Subcellular Lipid Membranes. Nature Communications, 11, 5890 (2020)

6. M.Q. Li#, Y.N. Li#, W.H. Liu, A. Lai, S. Jiang, D.Y. Jin, H.P. Yang, S. Wang, K. Zhanghao*, P. Xi.*.  Structured Illumination Microscopy using Digital Micro-mirror Device and Coherent Light Source. Applied Physics Letters 116, 233702 (2020).

7. X. Chen#, K. Zhanghao#, M.Q. Li, W.H. Liu, P. Xi*, Q.H. Dai.*. Enhanced Reconstruction of Structured Illumination Microscopy on Polarized Specimen. Optics Express 28, 25642-25654 (2020). 

8. K. Zhanghao#, *, X. Chen#, W. Liu, M.Q. Li, Y.Q. Liu, Y.M. Wang, S. Luo, X. Wang, C.Y. Shan, H. Xie, J.T. Gao, X.W. Chen, D.Y. Jin, X.D. Li, Y. Zhang, Q. Dai*, P. Xi*. Super-resolution Imaging of Fluorescent Dipoles via polarized structured illumination microscopy. Nature Communications 10, 4694 (2019).

9. K. Zhanghao, J.T. Gao, D.Y. Jin, X.D. Zhang*, P. Xi*, Super-resolution Fluorescence Polarization Microscopy, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, (2017).

10. K. Zhanghao#, L. Chen#, X.S. Yang, M.Y. Wang, Z.L. Jing, H.B. Han, M. Q. Zhang, D.Y. Jin*, J.T. Gao*, P. Xi*. Super-resolution Dipole Orientation Mapping via Polarization Demodulation, Light: Science & Applications, 2016, 5(10).