• 工学部Donovan Chaffart课题组研究序列招聘公告

    2024-05-31 02:29:52 招聘人数:若干


    宁波东方理工大学(暂名)智能多尺度过程工程团队是一个多元化的研究小组,专注于化学工程领域内先进多尺度算法和人工智能算法耦合开发与应用。团队负责人Donovan Chaffart (袁野)博士,东方理工大学(暂名)助理教授,毕业于滑铁卢大学,获得化学工程博士学位。Donovan Chaffart博士具有9年以上化工领域模型开发与应用经验,尤其擅长人工智能辅助多尺度模型的开发与应用。袁月博士,宁波数字李生(东方理工)研究院副研究员,获得中国与加拿大双博士学位,于2013年起开始从事化学工程与智能多尺度数值模拟计算交叉学科研究,拥有10年以上化工领域数值模拟技术研究与开发经验,擅长结合理论与统计学算法开发符合非理想实际环境的多尺度研究与预测模型。










































    I   Group/PI Introduction

    The Intelligent Multiscale Process Engineering Group at the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT, tentative name) is a diverse research group aiming to study the development and implementation of numerical modelling methods, high-quality multiscale simulations, and artificial intelligence techniques for a variety of different Chemical Engineering applications. The team is headed by Dr. Donovan Chaffart (袁野), an Assistant Professor at EIT who graduated from the University of Waterloo with a PhD in Chemical Engineering. Dr. Chaffart is an expert in the fields of empirical modelling, hybrid multiscale modelling, and artificial intellicence (AI) algorithm development for Chemical Engineering applications, with over 9 years of experience in this field. The group is additionally led by Dr. Yuan Yue, an Associate Research Professor at the Ningbo Institute of Digital Twin within EIT who received a dual doctorate in Chemical Engineering from both Tianjin University and the University of Waterloo. Since 2013, Dr. Yuan has been engaged in both interdisciplinary research and multiscale numerical simulation development within Chemical Engineering. She has garnered more than 10 years of experience within the research and development of numerical simulation technology in the chemical industry, and she is an expert at developing multi-scale optimization and prediction models in line with non-ideal practical environments by combining theory and statistical algorithms.

    The team is committed to developing novel reliable AI systems and hybrid multiscale models to capture a wide variety of different chemical processes and further advance the bounds of human knowledge within these fields. The core concerns of the team include the development of hybrid interconnecting multiscale models, the development and implementation of novel modelling methods, and the development and incorporation of transparent AI into Chemical Engineering projects. As part of our team, you would have the opportunity to contribute to this reality and establish your own roots within academic research.


    II      Recruitment Position and Job Responsibilities

    II.1    Recruitment position:

    Assistant Research Professor

    II.2    Research direction:

    II.2.1      Intelligent Intercommunicating Multiscale Modelling

    II.2.2      Reliable AI Applications in Chemical Engineering: Transparency Exploration and Analysis

    II.2.3      AI-assisted Precise Process Monitoring and Control of Fluidization Systems

    II.2.4      Multiscale & Hybrid Modelling for Sessile Droplet Spreading and Superhydrophobic Surface Development

    II.2.5      Preprocessing and Analysis of Industrial Generated Data

    II.2.6      Physics-informed Hybrid Multiscale Modelling in Chemical Engineering Applications

    II.2.7      Physics-informed AI for Molecular-Scale Modelling Applications

    II.2.8      Moving Front kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Moving Interface Systems

    II.3    Job responsibilities:

    II.3.1      Independently establish research projects within the scope of the group’s research topics as approved by the PI.

    II.3.2      Assist the PI to guide project development among the rest of the group; Cooperate with scientific research project applications; Participate in the management of the research group

    II.3.3      Write papers and patents, participate in academic conferences and exchanges, and coordinate academic cooperation and scientific research transformation.

    III   Recruitment Requirements

    III.1   Must have obtained a related engineering/computer science PhD degree from an accredited international or domestic university; must have engaged in high-level research projects during doctoral degree and achieved good research results.

    III.2   Must have a research background in Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related engineering field; must have practical experience conducting professional research.

    III.3   Must be proficient with python, MATLAB, or a related programming language.

    III.4   Must have good spoken and written communication skills in English; good communication skills in Chinese is a bonus

    III.5   Must have familiarity with the technologies and methods in the fields of multiscale modelling, artificial intelligence, fluid mechanics, interfacial science, or a related discipline.

    III.6   Must have strong data analysis and programming abilities; must be familiar with commonly used data processing and analysis tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics, kinetic Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

    III.7   Must have good team spirit; must be able to cooperate with other departments to complete interdisciplinary projects.

    III.8   Must have enthusiasm for the development of first-principles models and/or statistical artificial intelligence in the field of Chemical Engineering; must have a willingness to continuously learn and explore new technologies.

    III.9   Must have a background in conducting research.

    III.10      Must be in excellent health, both physically and mentally.

    III.11      Must have no criminal record; must abide by all legal and school laws.

    III.12      Must have a passion for learning, teaching, and conducting research.


    IV   Compensation & Benefits

    IV.1  This job will provide a competitive salary and welfare benefits with respect to the salary standards of corresponding positions in universities both within China and abroad.

    IV.2  One-to-one guidance on scientific research, career planning and project application.


    V      Application Process

    V.1     Application materials:

    V.1.1      Your CV, in both English and Chinese

    V.1.2      Cover letter, research experience, teaching philosophy, and any other materials that can show your academic competencies.

    V.1.3      Two letters of recommendation from academic experts within the same field (contact information required)

    V.1.4      Proof of doctoral degree

    V.2     Applicant information delivery:

    Please combine all of the requested application materials into a single PDF file. Send the full application file to drgchaff@eitech.edu.cn and cc the EIT Human Resources Department: Rfaculty-hr@eitech.edu.cn. The PDF document and email subject should be titled as follows:
    "Applied position + name + recruitment information source". The materials you submit will be kept confidential.

    V.3     The research team will evaluate your application as soon as possible, and those who pass the preliminary examination will receive an e-mail or phone call to inform them of the follow-up interview. This recruitment information is valid from the date of publication.